Wine transportation

Your partner in wine logistics
In Deutschland werden durchschnittlich etwa 20 Liter Wein pro Kopf und Jahr getrunken. Das entspricht in etwa einer Gesamtmenge von 17,2 Millionen Hektoliter, die sowohl aus deutschen Weinbauregionen stammen als auch aus dem Ausland. Damit liegt Deutschland, was den Weinkonsum angeht, auf dem vierten Platz weltweit – hinter Italien, Frankreich und den USA.
Der Transport von flüssigen Rohstoffen für die Lebensmittelindustrie stellt generell hohe Anforderungen an die Spedition. Das gilt auch für den Weintransport. Zwar muss Wein – anders als viele andere flüssige Lebensmittel – nicht in einem genau bestimmten, engen Temperaturbereich gelagert und transportiert werden, sondern die zulässige Temperaturspanne geht von 6 °C bis 25 °C. Allerdings verträgt das empfindliche Transportgut nur geringe Temperaturschwankungen: Pro Tag ist beim Transport nicht mehr als 1 °C Temperaturunterschied zulässig, um die Qualität des Weines nicht zu beeinträchtigen.
Modern vehicles for safe wine transportation throughout Europe
We have a modern fleet of vehicles with more than 100 of our own insulated stainless steel tankers with different chamber sizes, with a capacity of up to 35,000 liters. All tanks fulfill Highest hygienic standards and are equipped with an integrated heater. This means that the precious liquid cargo can be at the right temperature level at all times at all times – regardless of the ambient temperature.
In addition, sterile filters are used to sterile loading and unloading are ensured. as well as on-board compressors, hoses and electric pumps to unload the wine via rear or side outlets. By the way: If the capacity of our tanker trailers is not sufficient, we can also provide 20-23 ft. tank containers in combined transportation (road, rail, water) and also have access to a dense network of partners throughout Europe.
Reliable quality with every wine transport
Wine transportation requires a specially trained and certified wine carrier who meets the legal requirements for Food transportation and implements them reliably. We have all the necessary standard certifications in accordance with HACCP, IFS and GMP+, and our business processes are also designed to meet the highest quality and safety requirements. This starts with our modern fleet of vehicles, which we regularly modernize and keep technically up to date, and extends to every single employee in the office and on the road.
With modern monitoring technology, e.g. temperature sensors and tracking, we can track each of our food transports in real time. This ensures maximum transparency, from which our customers also benefit: The product reaches the recipient in top quality and can then be processed quickly and without restrictions.
Rely on an experienced partner when it comes to wine transportation
Since its foundation in 2010, MARLEP Tank Logistics become one of the three largest food forwarders in Europe. developed. Performance, flexibility and reliability are decisive factors here. If you need a reliable wine forwarding company or a strong partner for your wine logistics, please contact us today: by e-mail at sales(at) or by telephone on +49 40 380 75 47 70.