
Our promise to you

Quality through know-how


Food transports are special transports. We are trained and certified for this. Our equipment fulfills all legal requirements without exception. Proven. Standard certifications in accordance with IFS Logistics and GMP+ FSA are not just stickers or certificates on the wall for us. They are the standard that our people and technology meet every day so that high-quality food can be delivered and produced.


Controlled and accident-free a road tanker with a weight of 40t weight requires a lot of responsibility responsibility and prudence. Bei uns sind es die Kraftfahrer, die diese Verantwortung tragen. Auf über 15 Millionen km pro Jahr beweisen unserer Fahrer Ihr Können am Lenkrad – so that our customers' goods are literally in the best hands in the best hands.


With constant, digital information and on the basis of permanent data transmission we monitor the transported goods and the entire transportation process - for every vehicle. This means we are always on the ball in real time throughout Europe and allows us to proactively communicate with our customers. Together we remain capable of acting. Around the clock. In jedem Fall.